Validation errors
Here is a list of possible validation error messages that can be returned on Identity creation or update.
Error messages are returned in errors section. There can be multiple error messages in one response. General error response example:
"type": "",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"traceId": "00-7cb17939b823f1e1d0c7d1a5f5ea6173-b8ec4507b0253632-00",
"errors": {
"LegalStructure": [
"Legal structure is invalid"
"Address.Country": [
"'Country' is not valid"
"Address.Street2": [
"'Street2' is too long"
Personal Validation Errors
Parameter to validate | Code | Validation error |
Email is not provided | 400 | "Email": ["'Email' is null or empty"] |
Email is invalid | 400 | "Email": ["'Email' is not a valid email address"] Must be unique within Organization |
FirstName is not provided | 400 | "FirstName": ["'First Name' must not be empty."] |
First name >100 symbols | 400 | "FirstName": ["'First Name' is too long"] |
LastName is not provided | 400 | "LastName": ["'Last Name' must not be empty."] |
LastName >100 symbols | 400 | "LastName": ["'Last Name' is too long"] |
MiddleName > 100 symbols | 400 | "MiddleName": ["'Middle Name' is too long"] |
Phone is not provided | 400 | "Phone": ["Phone is not valid"] |
Phone>20 characters | 400 | "Phone": ["'Phone' is not valid", "'Phone' must be between 1 and 20 characters. You entered 21 characters."] E-164 Format [+][country code][area code][local phone number] Must be unique within Organization |
Phone number is VoIP | 400 | "errors": {"5a0b8ca6-5cf3-4133-b430-d4a77cfd5dc7": ["Identity wasn't created as provided Phone Number type is VoIP."]}, "title": "Identity wasn't created as provided Phone Number type is VoIP." |
SSN - social security number | 400 | "Ssn": ["The specified condition was not met for 'Ssn'."] Format: "AAAGGSSSS" Must be unique within Organization |
DateOfBirth | 400 | "DateOfBirth": ["The specified condition was not met for 'Date Of Birth'."] Format: yyyy-mm-dd |
Address | 400 | "Address.Street1": ["'Street1' must not be empty."] |
Address.PostalCode is missing | 400 | "Address.PostalCode": ["'Postal Code' must not be empty."] |
Address.PostalCode has invalid format | 400 | "errors": {"Address.PostalCode": ["'Postal Code' is not in the correct format."]} Format: US: 5 digits. Other counties: digits and letters (min 4 max 34). no special symbols and spaces. Exception: countries without postal codes |
Address.State is not provided (if US) | 400 | "Address.State": ["'State' must not be empty.", "The specified condition was not met for 'State'."] 2 letter abbreviation |
Address.State is invalid | 400 | "Address.State": ["'State' is not valid"] |
Address.State = 2 symbols | 400 | "Address.State": ["'State' is too long"] |
Address.City is not provided | 400 | "Address.City": ["'City' must not be empty."] |
Address.City > 35 symbols | 400 | "Address.City": ["'City' is too long"] |
Address.street1 | 400 | "Address.Street1": ["'Street1' must not be empty."] |
Address.street1 > 100 symbols | 400 | "Address.Street1": ["'Street1' is too long"] |
Address.street2 > 100 symbols | 400 | "Address.Street2": ["'Street2' is too long"] |
Address.Country is missing | 400 | "Address.Country": ["'Country' must not be empty."] |
Address.Country is invalid | 400 | "Address.Country": ["'Country' is not valid"] |
Identity with duplicated SSN is found | 409 | "errors": {"54b1f5cc-f44d-44fe-976b-2a642c8b67e7": ["Validation error"]}, "title": "The identity with ssn '123-45-4625' already exists in current organization" |
Identity with duplicated Phone is found | 409 | "title": "The identity with phone '+12027781111' already exists in current organization" |
Identity with duplicated Email is found | 409 | "title": "The identity with email '[email protected]' already exists in current organization" |
Simultaneous creation of duplicated identities | 409 | "title": "This item already exists." |
Business Validation Errors
Parameter | Code | Description |
CompanyName is missing | 400 | "errors": {"CompanyName": ["'Company Name' must not be empty."]} |
CompanyName >60 characters | 400 | "CompanyName": ["'Company Name' must be between 1 and 60 characters. You entered 61 characters."] |
Phone number is invalid | 400 | "Phone": ["'Phone' is not valid", "'Phone' must be between 1 and 20 characters. You entered 21 characters."] |
Website | 400 | "Website": ["'Website' must be between 1 and 100 characters. You entered 101 characters."] |
EIN is not provided if country is US | 400 | "Ein": ["'Ein' must not be empty."] |
EIN is not valid | 400 | "Ein": ["The specified condition was not met for 'Ein'."] |
Email is missing | 400 | "Email": ["'Email' must not be empty.", "The specified condition was not met for 'Email'."] |
Email is invalid | 400 | "Email": ["'Email' is not a valid email address."] |
Address | 400 | "Address": ["'Address' must not be empty."] |
Address.Street1 | 400 | "Address.Street1": ["'Street1' must not be empty."] |
Address.Street2 | 400 | "Address.Street2": ["'Street2' is too long"] |
Address.City | 400 | "Address.City": ["'City' must not be empty."] |
Address.Country | 400 | "Address.Country": ["'Country' must not be empty.", "'Country' is not valid"] |
Address.State | 400 | "Address.State": ["'State' must not be empty.", "'State' is not valid"] |
Address.PostalCode | 400 | "Address.PostalCode": ["'Postal Code' must not be empty."] |
RegionOfFormation is not provided | 400 | "RegionOfFormation": ["'Region Of Formation' must not be empty."] |
Description is not provided | 400 | "Description": ["'Description' must not be empty."] |
EstablishedOn is not provided | 400 | "errors": {"EstablishedOn": ["'Established On' must not be empty."]} |
LegalStructure is not provided | 400 | "LegalStructure": ["LegalStructure is required"] |
MailingAddress | Optional | |
MailingAddress.Street1 is missing if MailingAddress section is provided | 400 | "MailingAddress.Street1": ["'Street1' must not be empty.", "'Street1' is not valid"] |
MailingAddress.Street1 >100 symbols | 400 | "MailingAddress.Street1": ["'Street1' is too long"] |
MailingAddress.Street2 >100 symbols | 400 | "errors": {"MailingAddress.Street2": ["'Street2' is too long"]} |
MailingAddress.Country is missing | 400 | "errors": {"MailingAddress.Country": ["'Country' must not be empty.", "'Country' is not valid"]} |
MailingAddress.State is missing | 400 | 'State' must not be empty. / 'State' is not valid |
MailingAddress.State is invalid | 400 | 'State' is not valid |
MailingAddress.State is invalid > 35 symbols | 400 | 'State' is too long |
MailingAddress.PostalCode is missing | 400 | 'Postal Code' must not be empty. / 'Postal Code' is not in the correct format. |
MailingAddress.PostalCode is invalid | 400 | 'Postal Code' is not in the correct format. |
Identity Container Id is missing | 400 | 'identityContainerId' is required. Should be type of Guid |
Number of beneficial owners >5 | 400 | beneficial owners exceeds the max limit of 5 |
EIN check Failed | 400 | Business Identity can't be created as Taxpayer Identification Numbers check was failed. |
Duplicated EIN | 409 | The Business Identity with EIN '12-3456769' already exists in current organization |
Provided Personal Identity is Suspended | 400 | Operation is not allowed with suspended identity |
Updated 6 months ago