Crypto Buy/Sell


The general workflow for crypto trades will look like the following:

  1. Pull the market price for the crypto your end user is looking to buy/sell from our API.
  2. Give the end user the ability to confirm a trade after looking at the market price.
  3. Call the Fortress API to initiate a trade
  4. Monitor the webhooks sent for a change in the status of a trade.
  5. Once completed, update your front end with the new balance for the end user.


Testnet Tokens

When testing trades in sandbox, please keep amounts low (greater than $15 but less than $30) as testnet tokens are in limited supply. Once finished testing, please "sell" the tokens so we can maintain a steady supply for all integrators in sandbox.

Lets review each step a bit more.

1. Pull the market price

GET /api/trust/v1/crypto-currency/crypto-currency-price/{network}/{currency}

//Sample Response

"price": {
  "buy": 21489.79,
  "sell": 21457.19

Note: The API can return zero values for buy or sell market prices. Zero dollar value trades ($0.00) will not be executed.

2. Allow the end user to confirm that they want the trade after presenting them the market price.

3. Initiate a trade using the API

POST /api/trust/v1/trades

//Sample Request

     "accountId": "A3CA08AB-3058-4C3C-81E7-51DA24B171FF", 
     "type": "market", //only "market" is available at this time
     "from": {
          "asset": "usd",
          "amount": 100 
     "to": {
          "asset": "eth",
          "network": "mainnet"
     "comment": "Any Comment Here" 


POST /api/trust/v1/trades

// Sample Request

     "accountId": "A3CA08AB-3058-4C3C-81E7-51DA24B171FF", 
     "type": "market", //only "market" is availbable at this time
     "from": {
          "asset": "eth",
          "network": "mainnet" 
          "amount": 100 
     "to": {
          "asset": "usd" 
     "comment": "Any Comment Here" 


All in one

The trades endpoint facilitates both buys and sells by designating the from and to fields.

4. Monitor webhooks

An integrator will receive one webhook when the buy/sell crypto transaction is moved to the Processing status and another webhook when the settlement process is completed. Here are a list of the status's available for the trades endpoint:

  • Pending (the buy/sell crypto request is created)

  • InProgress (the buy/sell crypto request is in progress and has executed at a particular price, pending incoming crypto/fiat is displayed in an account balance)

  • Completed (settlement process is completed)

  • Aborted (processing of the buy/sell crypto request is failed)

5. Once a trade is completed, update your front end with the new balance

GET /custodial-accounts/{custodialAccountId}/balances

//Sample Response

"data": [ 
   "assetType": "cryptoCurrency",
   "assetFiatType": "eth",
   "network": "mainnet",
   "disbursable": .001,
   "locked": 0,
   "pending": 0,
   "total": .001 


Crypto Trading Settlement Times

Trades are executed almost immediately, but settlement for those trades take up to one business day. Contact

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