Launch Fast With Elements!

Elements are Fortress designed widgets for building out your application's front end without the hassle of extensive UI work. Core functionalities of our API are delivered through Elements, allowing you to launch your application at unprecedented speeds!


Test it out!

Visit to test out all of our elements widgets!

Each Elements has a code template that you can start with. Different parameters added to the script will let you generate the appropriate widget. Below we'll go over the code template, authorization, configuration, and event messaging. Following this page will be separate pages for each of the Elements we currently offer. Eventually you'll be able to wigitize our entire product stack and launch in weeks, not months.

Elements JS Library and Instance

Add a script tag with the corresponding URL for the Fortress file storage If there is a need to use some Environment specific build add the corresponding subdomain name e.g., or for production,

Do NOT put any async or defer attributes in tag. It may lead to unexpected issues with element.

    <script src=""></script>

Initialize The Elements Widget

After downloading the library, FortressElementsJS will be accessible in the window global scope. It contains the methods responsible for creating the ElementClient and manipulating/interacting with Fortress Public API. createElementClient is returning the client instance.

const EJS = window.FortressElementsJS;
  // `elementClient` keeps the reference to client
  const elementClient = EJS.createElementClient({
    elementName: EJS.ElementNames.{Element Name To Initialize},
    onMessage: (message: ElementMessage) => {},
    theme: { primaryColor: '#D70E0E', secondaryColor: '#CCC' },
    uiLabels: {
      statusScreenButton: "abc.."

Elements Configuration

Several parameters can be configured for the Elements Widget. As more products are rolled out, the list of elementName will grow to include the new functionality.


elementName ( required ) - supported names: KYC, CARD, TRADE, BANK-ACCOUNT, TRANSFER (Trust APIs)

onMessage ( optional ) - callback to consume messages based on user flow result

theme ( optional ) - customization options for UI, primaryColor supported for buttons

uiLabels (optional) - property statusScreenButton button label on status screen

Elements Authorization

Each instance of the elements widget will need a generated JWT token in order to run. The JWT expire time is 1 hour from generation. In order to generate the JWT, you'll have had to already created an L0 Identity.

Note: If the JWT expires during the workflow, the form will error out on submission and a new instance will need to be spun up for the end user to run through again.

GET /api/trust/v1/identity-elements/{identityId}/jwt?element="{element name}"
// element name values = "kyc", "trade", "transfer", "cardLinking", "addBankAccount"

//Sample Response

  "jwt": "ey..."

Running Or Closing The Widget

Two functions are included with Elements for initialization or destruction, use the below code sample for guidance:

const elementClient = EJS.createElementClient({ elementName: EJS.ElementNames.{Element Name} })

const identityId = '9a443475-5159-4f51-bf21-002e6609091e';
const { data: { jwt } } = await generateElementSessionJWT(identityId);

// Open Elements UI;

// Removing DOM anchor element and instance of the client.
// Trigger method when the element is done with its flow.
// Use case with React.js when component umounts 

Utilizing The Messages Events In The Widget

You may have noticed the onMessage parameter during the widget configuration. This parameter will return you events from the widget workflow, and are great to use in your programmatic functionality.

ELEMENT_STARTEDClient initialized and Element UI is exposed to user
ELEMENT_EXITEDUI is closed. Published after actions: cancel button, cross icon, status screen button are pressed
ELEMENT_UPDATEDClient receives result from Elements API. This will be different depending on the Element being used.
ELEMENT_FLOW_DECLINEDUI is closed by clicking on: cancel button , cross icon, button on status screen are pressed

The following sections will cover each widget and their specific parameters.


Identity Requirement

Each ELEMENTS widget requires that you have either an L0 or L1 identity already created.